Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX PU30 - Single-component polyurethane primer €297.12 One-component polyurethane primer, solvent-free and low emission. Due to the reaction with ambient humidity a dry and hard film is obtained. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX P82 - Primer for low-porous substrates €117.93 Two-Component primer and bonding bridge. Solvent free. Ideal as first in all media with no smooth or waterproof porosity. Inside. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX P51 - Sealing primer for porous substrates €118.94 Primer for sealing all kinds of porous substrates. Avoid rising bubbles and dehydration of mortars on floors. Solvent free. Inside. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges WAKOL PS205 - Silicate resin for crack filling €15.44 Two-component, fast-curing polymer-modified silicate resin for filling cracks in screeds, bonding battens, metal profiles and natural or synthetic stone on absorbent and non-absorbent screeds in interior areas. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX P52 - Low-emission pore-covering primer €79.62 Solvent-free synthetic resin primer with very low emission EC1, adhesion bridge and pore sealer for porous and non-porous substrates. For indoor use. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX P4 Ready - Indoor-outdoor multi-substrate primer €127.00 Single-Component primer and bonding bridge. Solvent free. Ideal as a first in supports both porous and non-porous. Interior Exterior. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX EP2000 - Epoxy resin blocking capillary dampness €291.22 Blocker epoxy resin damp. To fill cracks in concrete pavements. Adherent of building materials. Solvent free. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ADIPOX PLUS - Epoxy resin for bonding bridge €160.22 Bonding bridge or adhesive for bonding all kinds of building materials such as prefabricated, iron, stoneware and ceramics. Mainly for the bonding of new to old concrete with a variable open time of adhesion (tackiness) depending on the ambient temperature. The concrete or mortar should be applied as long as there is tackiness in the ADIPOX PLUS applied. Add to cart
Online only Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX DPM 1C - Moisture blocking primer for rising damp €400.56 Primer. Moisture blocking by capillarity with subsequent application of Ardex self-levelling mortars. Vapour barrier. Can be applied on substrates containing up to 98% relative humidity. It is applied in a single coat. Add to cart
Online only Primer and bonding bridges ARDEX DPM 1C - Blocking primer Damp €400.36 Priming. Damp blocker with subsequent application of self-leveling mortars Ardex. Vapor barrier. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ADIPOX E - Epoxy-acrylate resin-based adhesive Styrene-free epoxy-acrylate resin based adhesive for fixings and anchorages. Suitable for all types of fixings in hollow materials, through a sieve, and for anchorages in solid materials: anchorages of foundation bolts, guide rails, etc. Fixing of anchorages in facades. View
Primer and bonding bridges ARISIL - Silica aggregate for priming €17.50 Silica aggregate used for saturation seeding of ARDEX epoxy resins used as a primer for ARDEX cementitious self-levellers. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges ADI Pasivant - Passivating and cementitious primer €19.71 One-component cementitious mortar, bonding bridge and passivating concrete reinforcement. It is used as a preventive protection layer for reinforcement against corrosion in concrete repair work. View
Primer and bonding bridges panDOMO® EP - Epoxy primer without solvents €200.47 Epoxy primer paint for pandomo systems. Two-component, solvent-free, high penetration and low viscosity. Highly resistant to mechanical loads and easy to apply. View
Primer and bonding bridges SEIREPOX TOP PLUS - Colorless multipurpose resin €338.60 Seirepox TOP PLUS is a transparent epoxy resin and solvent, such as multipurpose primer, binder for mortar, undercoat, intermediate layer, regularization and sealing layer. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges Seirepox primer - Two-component flowable epoxy primer €161.12 Epoxy resin primer two component solvent. For use as a surface, filling or priming with epoxy and polyurethane paints SEIRE hardener. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges Seirecuarzo - Aggregate or silica sand for anti-skid pavements €16.80 Quartz sand used as siliceous mineral fillers without humidity with granulometries studied for the realization of the different paving techniques with SEIRE products. For self-leveling floors, multi-layers and to create anti-slip floors. Add to cart
Primer and bonding bridges CONSOLIDANTE ADI 600 - Sealer for stones and mortars €146.09 Consolidant or sealer for sandstones, granites and poorly compacted mortars. High sealing penetration. Exterior and interior. Add to cart
New Primer and bonding bridges WAKOL D3080 - Waterproof primer for self-levelling mortars €213.56 Waterproof primer for the insulation of high residual moisture in cement screeds without underfloor heating up to max. 5% CM (with underfloor heating up to max. 3% CM) before the application of ARDEX self-levelling mortars indoors. EC1 Plus very low emissions. Add to cart