Repair mortars ARDEX REP-MUR AR FAST - Rapid structural repair mortar €29.20 High-strength, fast-setting thixotropic structural repair mortar. Repair of concrete and reinforced concrete structures in aggressive environments, filling of cracks and fissures, repair of spalling in pillars, edges of slabs, etc. where high mechanical strength is required in a short space of time. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX B160 FLOW - Fluid mortar for repair and anchoring €34.80 Fluid mortar for concrete repair, filling and anchoring, spalling of pillars, filling of joints between concrete sections, prefabricated elements, etc. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX B16 - Structural repair mortar with fibers €32.62 Strukturbeton-Reparaturmörtel, faserverstärkter Riss- und Hohlraumfüller. Mit korrosionshemmenden Zusätzen, geeignet zur Konservierung bzw. Wiederherstellung der Passivierung. Hohe mechanische Festigkeit und kompensierte Schrumpfung verhindern die Entstehung von Rissen. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX FIX - Rapid repair mortar and multi-purpose bonding bridge €174.19 Special mortar for the repair of all types of substrates of any kind. Multi-purpose. Repair mortar that dries in 30 minutes. Also acts as a primer. Interior. With Ardurapid effect. Adheres to multiple substrates. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX CD - Mortar surface repair concrete pavements €77.94 Mortar for surface repair of concrete pavements. Ready after 3 hours. Exterior and interior. Max thickness. approx. 5mm. Decorative. Add to cart
Repair mortars PAVIDUR - Quick repair mortar for flooring €82.01 Repair mortar fluid without shrinkage and rapid curing. Mortar without retraction for urgent repairs. High resistance. Repair spalls on floors. Add to cart
Repair mortars CEMGROUT - Flowable non-shrink grout for anchorages €27.58 High-strength, fluid, non-shrink grout or mortar. For anchoring of metal parts, anchoring of walls, pillars, etc. Exterior and interior. UNE EN 1504-6 certified. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX A45 - Fine repair mortar quick-setting interior €56.83 Morterode repair fine setting too fast for reparae of the concrete and mortar arrangements peladaños edges, pillars, balconies and filled with all kinds of holes. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX A46 - Fine repair mortar quick-setting outdoor €65.46 Fine fast-setting mortar for repairing concrete and mortar arrangements edges of steps, pillars, balconies and filled with all kinds of holes. Interior Exterior. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR - Repair mortar Rapid-setting €32.86 Thixotropic repair mortar fast setting for reconstructing edges, balconies, shelves and ornamental elements. Exterior and interior. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR F - Repair mortar fast setting fiber €30.22 Thixotropic repair mortar incorporated fibers. Structural repair. High resistance. 0.5 to 70 mm thick. Without fissures. Filling and repairs finishes. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR R - Repair mortar Rapid-setting €25.20 Mortar for quick repairs in concrete and masonry vertical and horizontal. Anchoring profiles, wood, door frames, etc., in walls of work. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR AR - Repair mortar anticorrosion fiber €30.22 Thixotropic repair mortar incorporated fibers. Structural repair. High resistance. 0.5 to 70 mm thick. Without fissures. Filling finish repairs. Exterior and interior. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR AR FLOW - Structural repair mortar fluid €29.60 Structural repair mortar fluid resurfacing concrete poured particularly suited in aggressive environments and resistant to attack by sulfates additivated with corrosion inhibitors. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX AM100 - Plastering and levelling mortar for walls €37.89 Wall plastering and levelling mortar ready for tiling after 2 hours. Applicable in thicknesses from 5 to 30mm. Exterior and interior. Add to cart