Repair mortars ARDEX B160 FLOW - Fluid mortar for repair and anchoring €34.80 Fluid mortar for concrete repair, filling and anchoring, spalling of pillars, filling of joints between concrete sections, prefabricated elements, etc. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX B16 - Structural repair mortar with fibers €32.62 Strukturbeton-Reparaturmörtel, faserverstärkter Riss- und Hohlraumfüller. Mit korrosionshemmenden Zusätzen, geeignet zur Konservierung bzw. Wiederherstellung der Passivierung. Hohe mechanische Festigkeit und kompensierte Schrumpfung verhindern die Entstehung von Rissen. Add to cart
Repair mortars CEMGROUT - Flowable non-shrink grout for anchorages €27.58 High-strength, fluid, non-shrink grout or mortar. For anchoring of metal parts, anchoring of walls, pillars, etc. Exterior and interior. UNE EN 1504-6 certified. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR AR - Repair mortar anticorrosion fiber €30.22 Thixotropic repair mortar incorporated fibers. Structural repair. High resistance. 0.5 to 70 mm thick. Without fissures. Filling finish repairs. Exterior and interior. Add to cart
Repair mortars REP-MUR AR FLOW - Structural repair mortar fluid €29.60 Structural repair mortar fluid resurfacing concrete poured particularly suited in aggressive environments and resistant to attack by sulfates additivated with corrosion inhibitors. Add to cart
Repair mortars ARDEX AM100 - Plastering and levelling mortar for walls €37.89 Wall plastering and levelling mortar ready for tiling after 2 hours. Applicable in thicknesses from 5 to 30mm. Exterior and interior. Add to cart