ARDEX 4x4 - Multi-purpose thin film flexible cement based adhesive

Thin-film cement adhesive in grey or white, fillers, synthetic resins and selected additives. Waterproof and weather resistant within a few days. Adheres to common building substrates such as concrete, cement screeds, anhydrite screeds, plaster, gypsum, masonry and similar substrates. Certified EN 12004 C2 TE S1. EC1 Very low emission.

Color ES
  • Gray
  • White
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C2TES1_100x100.png   Marcado CE   EC1

Thin-bed cement adhesive based on grey or white cement, fillers, synthetic resins and selected additives. When mixed with water, it results in a soft mortar that hardens by hydration and drying. It is waterproof and weather resistant in a few days. It adheres perfectly to common construction substrates such as concrete, cement screeds, anhydrite screeds, plaster, gypsum, masonry and similar substrates, creating a firm bond between the different construction materials.

  • Certified EN 12004 C2 TE S1. EC1 Very low emission.
  • Based on grey or white cement
  • Water resistant
  • Frost resistant
  • Flexible
  • Fixing of stoneware, porcelain stoneware, stone and natural stone tiles for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Certified according to EN12004 and EN12002 standards.



For interiors and exteriors. On floors and walls. For preparing and laying ceramic tiles, tiles, stoneware, porcelain stoneware, vitreous mosaic and porcelain. For laying suitable building boards and thermal insulation boards. To obtain a thin layer of flexible, waterproof adhesive and to lay thin ceramic tiles, ARDEX E90 must be added.

Suitable for use on screeds with underfloor heating.

*Thin-bed bonding: maximum 5mm adhesive thickness in single gluing.

Product description:

Powder with grey or white cement, fillers, synthetic resins and selected additives.

When mixed with water it results in a soft mortar that hardens by hydration and drying.

It is waterproof and weather-resistant within a few days. It adheres perfectly to common building substrates such as concrete, cement screeds, anhydrite screeds, plaster, gypsum, masonry and similar substrates, creating a firm bond between the different building materials.

Preparation of the substrate:

ARDEX ADHESIVO 4x4 adheres on dry or damp substrates, but they must be firm, load resistant, suitable for adhesion and free of separating agents. Gypsum or absorbent anhydrite based substrates must be dry and previously sealed with ARDEX P51 primer diluted in water, ratio 1:3. Non-porous substrates such as ceramic, metal, glass, varnish coatings, etc., must be primed with ARDEX P82 indoors and in dry areas. When applied over existing tiles, these can also be primed with ARDEX P4.

In areas with dampness (bathrooms, kitchens, shower trays, etc.) or outdoors (terraces, balconies, etc.), we recommend the use of ARDEX 8+9 waterproofing membrane.

Instructions for use:

Pour clean water into a mixing container and add the ARDEX ADHESIVO 4X4 powder, stirring vigorously until a flexible, homogeneous, lump-free mortar is obtained. To improve the flexibility and the complete contact with the piece, the mortar must be stirred again before its application on the substrate.

Amount of water required for mixing:

8 lt of water per 25 kg bag.

At a temperature of +20°C, the mortar is workable for approximately 5 hours.

If ARDEX E90 admixture is added, proceed as follows:

First mix ARDEX E90 with water (1 : 1).

The mixing ratio is:


4.5 kg ARDEX E90

4.5 kg Water.

The viscosity of the mortar can be modified by increasing or decreasing the amount of water in the mixture.

Apply the mortar on the substrate and comb it with a notched trowel vertically. The choice of trowel depends on the surface of the substrate and the type and size of the workpiece. In the case of surfaces that have to support high loads, it is advisable to apply it using the double-gluing method in order to achieve the most complete wetting possible.

The working area should not be larger than that which allows the tiles to be placed on a damp bed for 20 minutes.

For the laying of tiles with high relief, pieces of natural stone of different thicknesses on a natural stone of different thicknesses on a medium mortar bed, it is possible to add to the mortar bed, sand of size O - 1 mm can be added to the ARDEX ADHESIVO 4x4 of size O - 1 mm can be added to the ARDEX ADHESIVO 4x4 as follows: Mixing ratio: 1 vol. of adhesive : 0.3- 0.4 vol. of sand.

For bonding thermal or acoustic insulation boards, the adhesive is applied in strips or lumps on the back of the boards; if the back of the boards is smooth and has no open pores, this surface must be mechanically sanded before bonding. ARDEX ADHESIVO 4X4 with ARDEX E90 additive can also be sanded with the same mixing ratio.

In case of doubt, carry out a test beforehand.

Work ARDEX ADHESIVO 4X4 at temperatures above +5°C and below +30°C.

GISCODE ZPl = product with low chromate cement content.

Product Details

Indoor and outdoor
Single component
Floor and wall
Normative UNE
UNE 12004 C2 TE S1
UNE 12004 - Type
C - Cementitious adhesive
UNE 12004 - Adherence
C2 - High adhesion
UNE 12004 - Drying time
Normal drying
UNE 12004 - Slipping
T - Reduced slip
UNE 12004 - Open time
E - Long open time
UNE 12004 - Deformability
S1 - Deformable
Drying time
Marked CE
Quality certificate
ISO 9001 - DQS Holding GmbH


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