Bituseal supremo envase 45 kg

Acrisil Supremo - Synthetic acrylic resin slurry

Mortar with a slurry consistency with an aggregate for the production of elastic flooring for sports fields. Pseudo levelling slurry consistency with good workability and homogeneous appearance.

Color ES
  • Green
  • Red
  • Gray
  • Azul claro
  • Azul oscuro
Packaging format


Acrylic resin synthetic slurry. Mixture composed of aggregates of controlled granulometry and synthetic resins with the consistency of a pseudo levelling slurry with good workability and homogeneous appearance.


  • Odorless
  • Non-flammable
  • Easy to apply
  • Good adhesion
  • Good abrasion resistance
  • Good resistance to fuels and lubricants
  • Interior and exterior use

Acrisil Supremo is a mixture composed of aggregates of controlled granulometry and synthetic resins with the consistency of a pseudo-levelling grout with good workability and homogeneous appearance.

Field of application:

  • Sports tracks and recreational areas.
  • Bicycle paths, walkways and pavements.
  • Ecological" routes (tourist trails, pilgrimage paths...).
  • Sealing of verges, medians and islands of asphalt agglomerate.
  • Pavements in industrial warehouses with light traffic.
  • Pavements in garages and car parks.
  • Indoor and outdoor use

Substrate preparation:

The substrate on which it is applied must be solid, dry and clean of dust, grease and any material that prevents good adhesion such as paint, remains of lime, plaster, adhesive residues, etc.

Before mechanical preparation, varnish, wax, grease, oil and similar contaminants must be removed. Polished and/or contaminated concrete surfaces must be treated mechanically by milling and then vacuumed.

Any joints or cracks in the concrete substrate where differential movement is anticipated (e.g. expansion joints) shall be respected and suitably sealed.


Before use on concrete, it is necessary to carry out a primer by roller with ACRISIL IMPRIMACIÓN

If the substrate is a hot bituminous mixture of recent execution, it is not necessary to prime.


During application and curing, especially in confined areas, adequate ventilation must be ensured.

If at the moment of application the product shows sedimentation, it must be stirred until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.


Always use ACRISIL SUPREMO at room and/or substrate temperatures not lower than 10°C.

Nor can it be applied at room and/or substrate temperatures above 35°C.

Avoid application in rainy and/or windy conditions.

Application method:

Homogenise the product by removing the plastic bag containing the product from the cardboard drum and knead it lightly on the floor before opening the bag.

Once the primer is dry and no later than 12 hours, apply with a rubber squeegee in thin (<2mm) and uniform coats.

Apply a second coat after the first coat has dried, usually after 24 hours, depending on the degree of humidity and ambient temperature.

To obtain good resistance, two coats should be applied.

Do not apply much more than this in each coat as the surface may crack.

Under no circumstances should water or solvents be added.

A final sealing coat can be applied with SEIRECOLOR A acrylic coating.


The consumption of ACRISIL SUPREMO is determined by the type of application and by the roughness and porosity of the substrate.

It is recommended that in the first coat it should be 0.7-1 kg/m² for slightly rough surfaces and between 1 and 2 kg/m² for open or porous surfaces.

In successive coats it may range between 0.7 and 1.2 kg/m².

Tool cleaning:

ACRISIL SUPREMO can be cleaned from tools and equipment immediately after use using water. In case the product hardens it can only be removed by mechanical means or organic solvents.


Spillage of any of the products must be collected immediately with sand, vermiculite or any other inert material and deposited in a suitable container for management.

Waste management of these spills and empty containers should be carried out in accordance with local legislation.

For further information please refer to the safety data sheet.


The shelf life of ACRISILSUPREMO is 9 months, in the original closed containers and in an upright position. Storage should be in a dry place between +5ºC and +30ºC. Protection from frost and direct sunlight and heat sources is required.


Avoid contact with eyes and skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice.

Mixing should be carried out with protective goggles and gloves. These safety precautions must also be observed when applying the product. See safety data sheet for further information. After drying the product is physiologically and ecologically neutral.

Product Details

Indoor and outdoor
Single component
Acrylic resin
According to color chart
Drying time


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