ARDEX R3E - Moisture-tolerant epoxy primer resin

Two-component, moisture-tolerant epoxy resin (e.g. from splashing water or rain). For priming mortar or concrete surfaces prior to the installation of ARDEX R70P/R90P polyurethane cement mortars. Solvent free.

Coverage approx. 300 g/m².

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ARDEX R3E is a two-component, moisture tolerant epoxy resin (e.g. from splashing water or rain). For priming mortar or concrete surfaces prior to the installation of ARDEX R70P/R90P polyurethane cement mortars.solvent-free.

  • Easy to apply.
  • Interior and exterior.
  • Suitable as a primer on damp substrates (e.g. due to accidental spillage).
  • For use on polyurethane, epoxy or cementitious ARDEX systems.

Product description:

ARDEX R3E is a two-component, solvent-free, moisture-tolerant epoxy primer.

Field of application:

Primer on concrete or cementitious surfaces which may be damp (e.g. due to spillage or rain...) prior to the application of ARDEX polyurethane or epoxy self-levelling products. Also suitable for use with ARDEX IFS / IFS MIX and ARDEX K80 systems. Sandblast to saturation with fine silica aggregate when using cementitious self-levelling systems or other suitable cementitious ARDEX products.

If the substrates are very porous, more than one coat may be required to achieve the required effectiveness.

For fresh concrete substrates with a residual moisture content of more than 75%, ARDEX DPM should be used. If the surface to be primed is very smooth, it is recommended to sandblast the surface of ARDEX R3 E, to provide mechanical anchorage.

Directions for use:

The surface to be primed must be previously mechanically prepared, it must be clean and free of loose elements. Any repairs to the substrate must be carried out prior to the application of the primer.

The products are dosed in the correct proportions in their original containers. The hardener (component B) is added to the resin (component A) and mechanically mixed with a spiral rod at low revolutions, until a uniform consistency is obtained. It is important that the components are thoroughly mixed.

The mixture should be applied immediately, and has a workability time of 20 min at 20°C.

The workability time is reduced at high temperatures and extended at low temperatures. It is recommended that at high temperatures, the product is poured onto the substrate immediately after mixing, because the heat inside the container, having an exothermic reaction, will further reduce the workability time.

Apply at temperatures above 10°C.

ARDEX R3E should be applied by short/medium nap roller or brush. It is recommended to apply one or more coats to obtain a uniform surface, depending on the porosity of the substrate.

If more than one coat is to be applied, it should be applied after a minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 24 hours.


All tools should be cleaned with ARDEX RTC before the resin has hardened.


Approx. 27-33 m² per 8 kg container. (Approx. 300 g/m²).

Note: Theoretical consumption, depending on the nature and condition of the substrate consumption may vary.

Caution: May irritate eyes and skin:

May irritate eyes and skin and may cause sensitisation by contact.

Do not ingest.

During mixing and application adequate ventilation is recommended and avoid contact of the product with skin and eyes, nose or mouth.

Avoid contact with hands, using gloves and a suitable protective cream. Take care of personal hygiene by washing hands at the end of work or after each break, as long as work is not continued. Care should be taken when removing gloves so as not to contaminate the inside of the gloves. In case of accident, consult a doctor. For further information, consult the product safety data sheet.

Presentation and storage:

ARDEX R3E is supplied in pre-dosed two-component sets: Base and Reactor.

Packs of 10 kg.

Maximum storage time: one year in well-sealed containers, protected from the weather.

Product Details

Indoor and outdoor
Epoxy resin
Floor and wall
Drying time


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