New Self-levelling mortars and levelling paste ARDEX LM 5 L - Latex Based Light Levelling Compound B €81.87 Mortier autonivelant bicomposant aditivado avec latex pour suelos en intérieur. Pour les revêtements élastiques de cuir, moquette et baldosas sur les surfaces prétraitées. Très bonne adhérence aux surfaces en cuivre, aluminium et galvanisation prétraitées. Add to cart
Pandomo system panDOMO K1 - Decorative cementitious self-levelling cementitious mortar €83.21 White based self-levelling cementitious mortar for the creation of decorative continuous floors. With ARDURAPID effect. Fast drying. Add to cart
Pandomo system panDOMO K2 Loft - White thin-bed microcement mortar €92.56 Very thin-bed white mortar for floor design. With ARDURAPID effect. Fast drying and walkability. High surface resistance. Tension-free. For interior use. View